Look Up for Answers!
Falling Apples and Rising Drones,
Have a thing in common
For Innovative Drone Solutions
Let's Connect! Have a thing in common
For Innovative Drone Solutions
Big barriers in your project?
Well, from up there
everything looks tiny to our Drones
Give your business the Aerial Advantage
Let's Connect! everything looks tiny to our Drones
Give your business the Aerial Advantage
Delayed Deliverables?
No Worries,
Our Drones work faster than anything on the ground
Deploy Drones for Efficient Outcomes
Let's Connect! Our Drones work faster than anything on the ground
Deploy Drones for Efficient Outcomes

Why SoFly?
The Aviation industry has voyaged a great distance since Wright brothers first took off debuting Man’s First Flight, since then the industry is dominated by manned aircraft but that is changing at an unexpected pace with developments in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
With each passing day the horizon for UAVs is expanding, new applications for UAVs are being explored and deployed in various fields. The advantages of UAVs over conventional aircraft includes risk free flight in scenarios where human intervention on board is not required, low cost operations, ease of access, reduced carbon footprint and more. There is no wonder why UAV technology is taking over the conventional manned aircraft technology in almost every field.
We at SoFly are contributing our share in the development of this technology. Our team is exploring and developing UAVs since this technology came into being. The team’s expertise in UAVs gives us the edge over other companies offering similar solutions.
Custom Made UAVs
We understand your need and the fact that different jobs require different hardware. Our team tops the chart when it comes to UAV/Drone hardware.
From multi-rotors to fixed-wings, hybrid V-TOLs to single rotors we have build more than 100 different vareties of UAVs till date with all up weight ranging from 250 grams to a whooping 80 Kgs.
Our Services
The Process
Get in touch with us and make sure to include your details.
We’ll review your requirement and present you our solution
On Finalization, we’ll deploy our team and complete the project with your team.
Client Testimonials
" The Assistance they provided helped us complete our project, the knowledge the team had in UAVs is remarkable"

The Future of Aviation is UAV's- These guys are way ahead in the game, power to you guys. "

" The team selflessly mentored our students and inspired them to further research and develop the UAV technology "