Solar-Farm Maintenance

Solar power tops the green energy charts globally but there are many challenges of maintaining a solar farm. There are a number of factors that affect the yield of power in solar farms like dirt accumulation, damaged/defected cells, swirl defect on cell etc. Solar Farm Operations and maintenance providers are increasingly turning to drones to reduce maintenance costs and increase power generation. SoFly’s highly trained team helps you detect any faults and failures in your system and increase the overall efficiency of your system using drones. Maintaining a huge farm by manual point to point inspection is too tedious of a task, deploying drones not only saves you time but helps you detect faults which otherwise are near impossible to detect manually.
Early Detection
With our systems you can detect the defects early and contain any further damages faster than traditional methods.
Solar Experts
Our team knows the solar cell technology in and out. Drone mounted thermal sensors enable us to keep a complete check on-site.
Cost Effective
The traditional inspection methods are tedious and less effective but with drones the inspection can be done in no time which saves cost.
Unmatched Hardware
Our Hardware Expertise is unmatched, we have top of the line aircraft in our fleet.